
[스크랩] 백합 / Lilies

한아름 (40대공주~~) 2018. 12. 18. 10:55
볼륨I STILL BELIEVE-MISS SAIGON - 조수미음악을 들으려면원본보기를 클릭해주세요.


L I L I E S 

Roses and Lilies
Henri Fantin-Latour - 1888 
Private collection 
Painting - oil on canvas 
The Lily is Dead (also known as Le lis et mort)
Adolphe Alexander Lesrel - 1873 
Private collection 
Painting - oil on canvas 
Height: 160 cm (62.99 in.), Width: 120.7 cm (47.52 in.) 
Ellen Day Hale - circa 1890 
Private collection 
Painting - oil on canvas 
Height: 66.04 cm (26 in.), Width: 38.1 cm (15 in.) 
Lily Garden
Louis Ritman - 1912 
Private collection 
Painting - oil on canvas 
Height: 81.28 cm (32 in.), Width: 81.28 cm (32 in.) 
Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose
John Singer Sargent - 1885-1886 
Tate Britain (England) 
Painting - oil on canvas 
John Singer Sargent (1856-1925)
Garden ­ Study of the Vickers Children
Oil on canvas
91.1 x 137.8 cm
Rising Spring
Oil on canvas, 1897
Private collection
Oil on canvas 
Private collection 
Hermann Seeger 
Picking Daises
Oil on canvas
40 x 50 cm
Private collection
James Jebusa Shannon (1862-1923)
White Lilies
Oil on canvas
89.5 x 127 cm
Theodore Robinson (American, 1852-1896)
A King's Daughter (also known as Girl with Lilies) - 1889 
Private collection 
Painting - oil on canvas 
Height: 81.28 cm (32 in.), Width: 43.18 cm (17 in.) 
James Childs 
Lily Whitall
Oil on canvas
104.14 x 200.66 cm
Private collection
Frank William Warwick Topham (1838-1929)
The Lily
Oil on canvas
1924 x 1838 cm
Private collection
Gustav Pope
John Simmons (1823-1876)
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Pen and ink, black chalk on pa
17.7 x 31.4 cm
Royal Library, Windsor Castle (London, United Kingdom)
Frederick Childe Hassam - 1910 
Private collection 
Painting - oil on canvas 
Height: 69.22 cm (27.25 in.), Width: 83.82 cm (33 in.) 
Roses and Lilies
Mary Fairchild MacMonnies - 1897 
Musee des Beaux-Arts - Rouen (France) 
Painting - oil on canvas 
Height: 133 cm (52.36 in.), Width: 1776 cm (699.21 in.) 
편집 / 무지개. 2011. 12. 25
꽃다발을 든 여인 꽃밭에서 / Flower Garden 꽃 파는 소녀 / The Flower Seller 장미 / Lady in the Rose Garden 장미 / Beauty and Rose Emile Vernon (1872-1919)‎ / 꽃과 여인 Claude Oscar Monet (1840-1926) / 수련 Claude Oscar Monet (1840-1926) / 아이리스 Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) / 장미 Franz Bischoff (American, 1864-1929) / 장미 아이리스 / Irises 노란 장미 / Yellow Roses 분홍 장미 / Pink Roses 백합 / Lilies 라일락 / Lilacs 접시꽃 / Hollyhocks 국화 / Chrysanthemums 작약 / Peonies 해바라기 / Sunflowers Odilon Redon (1840-1916) / Vase of Flowers


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